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Transfiguration Sunday

March 2

Celebrate Shrine Mont’s Centennial in your parish!  Click HERE to see Bishop Stevenson’s invitation to celebrate Shrine Mont.

This last Sunday in Epiphany we prepare for Lent by reading the transfiguration passage from Luke’s Gospel, 9:28-36.

Please take a moment during this service to remember Shrine Mont on our centennial and pray the following collect:

O God, who on the holy Mount revealed your wonderfully transfigured Son to his chosen witnesses, and inspired The Rev. Dr. Edmund Woodward a century ago to build the Cathedral Shrine of the Transfiguration at Shrine Mont – a sacred place where all are welcome to bask in God’s love: Grant that those who visit this place may find peace, your presence, and the inspiration to return to our communities as your disciples bringing hope and reconciling love to a world desperate for your light; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Click HERE to download a pdf of the Centennial Collect

After the service we encourage you to hold a special coffee hour and let us know if you’d like some apple butter to serve with your biscuits!

Here is a neat recipe for Meatloaf balls! Meatloaf balls or Mac and Cheese bites: Homemade Mac and Cheese Bites

There are more ideas coming so keep checking!


March 2
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